Saturday, September 25, 2010

Abundance is yours

The angels are with us to lift us up when we are down...God's messengers, our constant companions are only a whisper away. Ask and Thou Shalt Receive is an old saying we all know, but do we use it? Don't be afraid to ask for your needs to be met, as long as it doesn't bring harm to anyone. We are all afraid of abundance, we feel we are not wrong.

I lift my eyes to feel the heavenly presence surround me and ask for healing, protection and love for all my family and friends.

You have nothing to lose but plenty to gain. Let the White Light surround you and fill you up.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I have a dear friend that seems to be everywhere helping someone, driving someone, feeding a group she is like the energizer bunny! I was visiting recently and noticed the sign on her refrigerator "STAY CALM AND CARRY ON"... She says she lives by that motto.

Good thing to remember.. stay calm and you can do it!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Now that fall is in the air we will be experiencing more rain...I personally like the rain.

The soul needs refreshing like the rain washing clean the summer dust from the trees and shrubs. Lift up your face to the sky and let the rain wash away your cares.
Keep happy thoughts within and soon the skys will brighten.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Go quietly through the meadows of life, picking the daisies and secure in the knowledge that they will be replaced with more flowers.

It is in the belief that there is abundance that you will feel secure.

God gives what you need.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Light your corner

We will not falter in our duty to light every dark alley, every shadow that arises. Take this Light, lift it high and illuminate your corner - soon darkness will have no place to hide - love shines through, take up your candle, light and shine!